Justrite Plain Self-Inking 31-PL Stamp
Heavy Duty, All Metal Frame stamp with Customizable Die Plate. These metal framed self-inking stamps are made for heavy duty use on the shop floor or elsewhere.
Customize up to 6 lines in an impression size of 7/8" x 1-3/8".

They can
be used with special inks to mark nonporous surfaces and can be fitted
with ribbed cushion to use rib backed interchangeable type. Using RibType you will only get three lines of text.
Choose the following colors; Black, Red, Purple, Green, Pink, Blue
Not recommended for glossy surfaces.
This machine takes the #31PL Replacement Ink Cartridge.
Questions or comments call us at 323-582-6461 or email us at info@HPRubberStamp.com