Re-Admission Hand Stamp - 1" x 2"
The UV hand stamp is very portable and built to last. These stamps are designed to be used for the re-admittance marking for Night Clubs, Amusement Parks and just about any other related crowd control and security issues. Please specify UV-6330 (UV-Blue) or (UV-Green) when ordering.
The 1" x 2" UV Hand Stamp is a non self-inking stamp. Stamp pad and UV Ink sold separately.
Able to withstand the elements that come with out door use, as well as the 99% alcohol based UV Inks. There isn't any glues that adhere the imprinting die to the hand mount.
This stamp comes with a lifetime warranty.
Best applications: UV-6330 Ink, and Stone Stamp Pad, and handheld or wall mounted UV Lamp.

Questions or comments call us at 323-582-6461 or email us at