CURE: This is a room temperature cure ink, drys to handle in 6-8 hrs. and requires 4-7 days to develop
solvent resistance. May also be force cured by baking at one of the following time/temperature cycles:
150°F(66C)-90 min. or 200°F(93C)-1hr. or 250°F(121C)-30 min. or 300°F(149C)-10 min. or 350°F(177C)-6 min.
POT LIFE: Under normal conditions, 4-5 hrs. after the 2 components are mixed.
Higher than normal room temperature will shorten pot life.
SHELF LIFE & STORAGE: Use within 1 year is recommended. Storage in refrigerator is suggested.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: For all colors except silver, mix 2 parts ink to 1 part catalyst by weight.
For silver, mix 2.4 parts ink to 1 part catalyst by weight. Allow an induction period of 30 min, to achieve
the best results. When used with a rubber stamp, roll the ink to a thin drawn-down on a glass, metal or vinyl
plate with a brayer roller or similar device before transferring to the stamp.
AVAILABILITY: The two components are sold as a kit in the following units: 8oz, pint, quart
and gallon. Together the 2 components will equal the unit size. Black & White also available as Clip-Pack.
Properties: Superior adhesion to epoxy, glass, metal
or other nonporous surfaces. Excellent resistance to
abrasion, MEK, alcohol, TCE, flux removers, salt,
acid and alkali solutions when properly cured.
Designed for rubber stamping or offset printing.
Meets: CID-A-A-56032D Types I, II & III
Formerly: MIL-I-43553b